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Masters Leaderboard 2023 Projected Cut

WEB PGA TOUR Live Leaderboard 2023 Masters Tournament Augusta - Golf Scores and Results

Cut Line Analysis: Only 50 to Make the Weekend at Augusta

In a departure from other major golf tournaments, the Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club features a unique cut rule. While the top 60 players make the cut at the US Open, and the top 70 advance at the PGA Championship and The Open, only the top 50 players (plus ties) qualify to play on the weekend at the Masters. This year, 89 golfers are competing in the tournament, meaning a significant number will be eliminated after the second round.

Intriguing Battles Emerge Despite Scheffler's Dominance

Despite Scottie Scheffler, Max Homa, and Bryson DeChambeau占据领先榜前列,2023 年大师赛第二轮出现了一些引人注目的对决。卫冕冠军松山市英树与帕特里克·坎特利展开激烈角逐,而乔丹·斯皮思和科林·莫里卡瓦也在争夺争夺奖杯。

Cut Line Projections After Thursday's Leaderboard

在对周四的排行榜进行分析后,预计切线将在 +3 或 +4 附近。这意味着排名低于此分数的球员将无法晋级周末的比赛。值得注意的是,切线可能会根据周五的天气和比赛条件而变化。

关注最新的分数、亮点、统计数据和有关 2023 年大师赛切线的信息,敬请关注 PGA TOUR 网站和社交媒体平台。
