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Amador Panama City

The Top 10 Things to See and Do in Amador Panama City

A Must-See Destination in Panama City

Explore the Vibrant Causeway

The Calzada de Amador was once a mere strip of tarmac connecting Panama City to the Naos Islands. Today, this causeway has transformed into a vibrant destination, offering breathtaking views of the city skyline and the ocean.

Stroll, Bike, or Drive along the Causeway

Indulge in a leisurely walk, cycle, or drive along the Amador Causeway. Soak up the stunning vistas of Panama City on one side and the endless blue expanse of the ocean on the other.

Uncover the History of the Panama Canal

The rock excavated during the construction of the Panama Canal from 1904 to 1914 was used to create the Amador Causeway. Discover the fascinating history of this engineering marvel as you explore the causeway.

Enjoy Lively Green Spaces

The Amador Causeway boasts some of Panama City's most vibrant green spaces. Relax and rejuvenate amidst lush gardens, shaded pathways, and charming outdoor seating areas.

Witness Stunning Skyline Views

As the sun sets over Panama City, the Amador Causeway offers the perfect vantage point to witness the city skyline illuminated against the darkening sky.

Experience a Culinary Haven

The Amador Causeway is home to a delectable array of restaurants, cafes, and bars. Savor exquisite seafood, indulge in international cuisines, or sip on refreshing cocktails as you enjoy the breathtaking views.

Explore Majestic Islands

Take a boat trip to the nearby Naos, Perico, and Flamenco Islands. Discover pristine beaches, enchanting wildlife, and historical landmarks that will leave you in awe.

Witness the Engineering Marvel

The Amador Causeway itself is a marvel of engineering. Admire the ingenious design that connects the islands and creates a safe passage for vehicles and pedestrians.

Feel the Pulse of the City

Especially on Saturdays, the Amador Causeway transforms into a bustling hub of activity. Join locals and tourists alike as they enjoy the lively atmosphere, street vendors, and festive ambiance.

Create Lasting Memories

With its stunning views, historical significance, and vibrant atmosphere, the Amador Causeway in Panama City is a must-see destination that will provide you with unforgettable experiences and create lasting memories.
